Moscow is huge, a real dinosaur city. Ring after ring, the city seems to grow sideways and upwards. In the middle, the Red Square, guarded by skyscrapers, walls and avenues. While Lenin rests (or tries to), you’d better get ready to visit a monumental city, where millionaires are a normal thing. Prepare also your pocket, Moscow is not cheap, but surely it isn’t easy to forget either.
"A true metropolis, alive and huge as a living dinosaur"
Russian salad in Moscow? It will not be like the one your mum’s. You should expect potato, beet and herring, that’s for sure. Forget though about a closed Russia where food is only what comes from its land… you’ll be walking by italian coffee chains and even McDonald’s is there to stay…
Don’t expect always a great deal of kindness when you enter a restaurant, as it is not a must there. But do expect lots of Russian favourite flavours…
Vodka: not just a flavour but an alcohol shot straight to your bones. Avoid strange bottles and weird shops.
Blini: that’s the Russian version of a crèpe. Not as popular out of the country’s borders, but a truly local hit.
Pelmeni: these are not raviolis, but they do recall the Italian recipe. Proudly local too.
Syrniki: a blini spin-off where cheese is king..
Borscht: number 1 Russian soup is even at fast-food restaurants.
Pirozhky: street-food for all tastes.
Tea: yes, it’s tea. Straight from samovars, tea is a really popular beverage (and less risky than vodka).
From the Red Square tiles to the Russian skies, Moscow’s central heart is a reason enough to visit town at least once in a lifetime. But not the only one. Hidden mysteries, big constructions, history in every corner… the Moscow greatest hits are out there to impress the visitor.
Red Square and Saint Basil’s Cathedral: there’s no more popular sight in Moscow than the reddish colours of this square and the fancy shapes of the cathedral.
Ploschad Revolutsii: revolution is a word traditionally linked to Russia and the old Soviet Union. The Revolution Square is also a key point in the city.
Kremlin: a place where decisions are taken. And a symbol of the Russian capital.
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour: churches and cathedrals are one of the treasures out there. Christ the Saviour is one of the main ones.
Seven Sisters: 7 skyscrapers, one legend and a basic part of the city’s horizon.
Peter the Great: of arguable taste, but a really huge statue.
Kolómenskoye Park: a favourite place by locals, the park is a good place to observe local moves.
Novodevichy Convent: cemetery and convent, all in one.
Tretyakov Gallery and Pushkin Museum: art is always a must. And there’s lots of it in Moscow.
A city of legendary subways and thousands of billionaires (with capital B). Did you know that the man and the woman at the speakers define which direction you’re heading to… you’ll just need to understand a bit of Russian, though.
Wake up in Moscow. Feel like you stand on the middle of Russian (you’re not). Think of zars, revolution and Siberia, so far away… A stroll around Red Square, your mouth open in front of Kremlin majesty and more than 10 million people to make you feel small. A big city proof a of a huge country.
A sip of vodka, a warming borsch to recover and time to move left and right until you eat the whole city. Nasdrovia!
¿Ya te has hecho la foto en la Plaza Roja? ¿Has saludado ya al difunto Lenin? Moscú tiene mucho por hacer y por recorrer, además de las atracciones de cabecera. Coleccionar fotos de iglesias y catedrales, dejarse el suelo en el GUM o el TSUM, disfrutar de viajes subterráneos que son toda una atracción… no te acabarás Moscú ni en todas las vidas de un gato.
Remember history: everything around Kremlin brings memories of ancient times.
Dance… or watch how to: Theatre Bolshoi is a true symbol of excellence when referring to dance.
Get a pair of new shoes (or whatever): shopping is a common hobby of many Russian tourists when away. And the center of Moscow hosts a couple of majestic store to get lost (if you are into that, of course).
Say hello to Lenin: the Mausoleum is impressive. Guards, silence, Lenin… a big experience.
Sailing Moskva river: watching the city from the water offers a different point of view. Use the time to rest your feet!
Art -really- underground: Subway stations are truly art pieces in Moscow. Some of them are built to be real art-works. Enjoy the trip!
Literature tripping: enter cafe Pushkin to dream of great literary masterworks by Russian hands...
Learn the alphabet: a bit of Cyrillic knowledge will help you wonders when trying to find your way around Moscow. Take your time...