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The first comparison site for vacation rentals

We compare millions of holiday rental prices from hundreds of websites.

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Apartum.com, the first comparison site for vacation rentals

Holiday rentals are like flights. Prices change depending on the agency or airline. Comparison sites were born to help find best deals.

We are the first comparison site, specialised in vacation rentals. And in terms of comparing prices, we are better than anyone.

If you are not Apartum, comparing prices of all the apartments on the internet is practically impossible due to the huge offer. We have been capable of developing a secret (very secret) formula that allows us to identify and compare millions of holiday rentals.

Apartment comparison is our speciality and we are better than anyone at it. Why do we do it? Because we don’t like waiting. We don’t like surfing on the net for days without reaching any conclusion. We don’t like paying more, when we could be paying less. And, above all, we don’t like wasting time and money when we book an apartment.

We would like to make a difference and prove that by using Apartum, you can always, always, always (have we mentioned ‘always’?) find the best deal and the lowest price for your holiday.

Quick and easy

Not quick but the quickest. In just a few seconds we are capable of comparing available vacation rentals wherever you want. By using Apartum, you will save time and money that you can spend in what is really important: your trip.

Better than a hotel

Hotels are not what they used to be. Real travellers prefer experiencing the trip as locals. 9 out of 10 travellers prefer booking an apartment instead of a hotel. And No. 10 still hasn’t tried it .

Waking up at 7am for the buffet, travelling with your children and having to pay more than 1 or 2 rooms and the huge queues in reception. These are just some of the most annoying situations that can occur in hotels.

We believe that apartments have won the battle against hotels. Don’t think so? Just give them time…

Apartments in over 50,000 destinations worldwide

We find the best apartments in every corner of the world, from the avenues of New York to the canals of Venice, from the dream beaches of Brazil to Tokyo’s neon lights…

And in that little town in the mountains of Nepal? We can find that as well!

Apartments on the beach, in the mountains, apartments in the snow or in the heart of a big city. Whatever your destination, we will always find the best accommodation for you, at the best price on Apartum.

Still don’t believe us? We challenge you: try comparing through Apartum VS comparing yourself. If you win, we will pay for a nice diner (well, maybe not a diner but we will give you a sticker).

Apartum, comparing better than anyone