Legal Notice
The company APARTUM BOOKINGS, S.L., with registered offices in, C/ Muntaner179 3º1ª, 08036 -, Barcelona (Spain), with Tax Identification Number B-66.029.778, registered in the Companies Registry of Barcelona, Volume 43.768, Folio 38, Page number B-437.726 - (hereinafter referred to as “APARTUM”) is the owner of the website http://www. (hereinafter referred to as “website”).
Address and contact:
C/ Muntaner, 179, 3º1ª, 08036 – Barcelona (Spain).
Email: [email protected]
1.- General Terms of Use
- The user voluntarily accesses this website, which implies that the user shall use it pursuant to this legal notice, the law, morality, good faith and/or proper conduct;
- The use of this website implies the acceptance of this legal notice;
- The web pages of this website may be freely visited by users;
- APARTUM reserves the right to modify, with no prior notice, the contents of this legal notice so that, for a correct use of the Web Site, we recommend you to periodically visit this section.
2.- Intellectual and industrial property
© 2017, APARTUM BOOKINGS, S.L., All rights reserved.
- This website and the contents included in it: articles, texts, images, logos, brands, buttons, software, etc. are protected by current legislation on industrial and intellectual property and are property of APARTUM or third parties that have authorized its use to APARTUM, being expressly prohibited the use without the authorization of APARTUM.
- Access to this website does not imply, in any case, the acquisition by users of any right of ownership over the contents contained therein.
- APARTUM reserves the right to modify, update or delete any of the contents of this website, at any time and without prior notice.
You may send us any remark on possible infringements of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights or any of the contents of the website to our contact e-mail [email protected]
Limitation of Liability
- APARTUM reserves the right to disrupt the access to the website, as well as the provision of any service through the website from time to time with no prior notice, either on technical, security, maintenance or any other grounds;
- APARTUM shall not be liable for any disruption of the service, delay or malfunction or other drawbacks that may result from reasons beyond the control of APARTUM and/or which may be due to any fraudulent or negligent action of the user and/or force majeure events;
- The information contained on this website may not be correct despite the efforts made for its accuracy and updating. Therefore, APARTUM from its use;
- This website may contain links to other web sites for whose consents, usefulness or accuracy APARTUM shall not be liable. The incorporation of any link into this Web Site may not be considered as a recommendation for users to use them, which decision shall be the users’ liability;
- APARTUM shall not liable for any damages arisen from the use of this website or its contents, thus not guaranteeing the absence of virus or the impossibility to cause damages to the computer system of the user;
- APARTUM does not assume any liability for any improper use of this website.
4.- Governing law and competent courts
- The conditions of this website and the relations between the user and APARTUM shall be governed by the Spanish law.
- For the settlement of any discrepancy that may arise between the user and APARTUM, the parties submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.
Updated in July 2.017